Mason Mentors

The Masonry Training Team


Now more than ever mason contractors are seeking well-trained masons ready to start a career in the masonry industry. The US Department of Labor states that the US needs 31,400 more masons by 2025 to meet the demand for skilled masons—the MASON MENTORS are here to help!

The MASON MENTORS is a team of organizations committed to partnering with high schools throughout North America to expand the current level of masonry technical education and training available to young adults. Our mission is to coordinating efforts between the schools, masonry manufacturers/suppliers, and mason contractors to implement 2-3 week masonry training programs as part of the technical education curricula in high schools. Depending on the school and instructor’s existing curriculum and schedule, MASON MENTORS custom-tailor each program for seamless integration.The goal is to inspire students to learn the craft and ultimately advance into a post-secondary masonry apprenticeship training program.